Logging notice documents revised

  • Published: November 7, 2012
  • There have been significant revisions to the model ordinance and supporting documents on logging notification, as explained in this memo from Mary Pons.

    ACCA recommends that counties use the revised documents posted below. These documents are to help counties implement Act 2012-257.

    Counties that have already adopted a logging notice ordinance using the old model documents should adopt a new ordinance based on these revisions.

    Checklist of documents

    1. Model ordinance
    2. License inspector resolution
    3. Notice instruction sheet
    4. Notice form
    5. Notice form guidelines
    6. Proper notice confirmation
    7. Notice of deficiency
    8. Advisory regarding access point
    9. Advisory regarding drainage features
    10. Advisory regarding haul route
    11. Warning form and instructions
    12. Citation form and instructions
    13. FAQ (frequently asked questions)
    14. Courtesy letter

    Download the complete package (model ordinance and all supporting documents) as a zipped folder.

    A few tips:

    • To help you distinguish these new documents from earlier versions, you will note that all revised documents include “revNov12” in the name.
    • Four of the documents have not changed. They are the license inspector resolution, warning form and instructions, citation form and instructions, and the courtesy letter.
    • When preparing your courtesy letter to the forestry community in your county, you may find the Alabama Forestry Commission database helpful. It has county-by-county listings of service providers by category, and this would be a great way to develop a mailing list for those you would like to notify after the county commission has adopted the ordinance.

    If you have any questions about these materials, please contact ACCA 334-263-7594.